Saturday 22 June 2013

Decorate your first

Try to find out how you can decorate your first seem scary, maybe even a bit overwhelming. Fortunately, if you follow these simple steps, first place in a few months will come together and sure that love!

Step 1: Create a plan

Before you begin, try to decorate, is the best thing to do, to create a vision in his head. Decide which style you prefer: vintage, modern mid century, chic, shabby, traditional or something more eclectic. Find out exactly what you want to see you, making each room. Then write the measures needed to ensure that this vision can come to life.

Tip: The Internet, if you have difficulty to choose benefits, which prefers the style. Today, many resources there are help to create the perfect room. Some of these resources are,,, and much more.

Step 2: Select your color scheme

Once a style idea that come with you, which ever you prefer, keep in mind the colors, you want to live. If you are not a fan of color or sofa and other furniture which influence the behavior of the space it is not able to paint, color of your tables and accents to provide its main color. Once you have decided on a color scheme, can add later on decoration such as carpets, curtains, cushions, pictures or framed, to enrich the look and color of a room.

Step 3: Take your time - not all at the same time buy

The biggest mistake you can buy trying everything at the same time my opinion. Although it can be tempting, it is best to take your time. If you have already decided on a scheme of color and style, are quite naturally these purchases.

You live in your new place for one or two months, before making larger purchases. The reason for this is because sometimes a great difference between indicates how you thought it would be live and how at the end of life. You may notice that certain parts of the furniture in a room really better fit in another. You may also decide that the style, which by would not quite fit the personality that you think that it should have room.

Tip: As a goodwill thrift stores are options for negotiation, such as craigslist. Market objective, Tuesday morning, IKEA, Marshalls, Ross and world are also good home decoration options.