Sunday 23 June 2013

Downsize Your House

Do you think moving to a smaller House to save money and simplify your life? Think twice. 70% of respondents to the survey on reduction review disappointed and regret. Some of the questions including spending more that your budget allows, cold months more than expected and the difficulty to adapt to smaller spaces.

Don't get discouraged. Reduction to a smaller home can work well, but need to do some serious research and soul searching before deciding. Here's a guide to get started.

Why would you want to reduce its size? Reasons may include just save your changes, save money by moving to a less expensive home, a spacious trading page for minor cuts, to a special place, as mountain tops or the nearest rivers, movement, or to simplify your lifestyle. These are all good reasons to reduce its size, but to explore and reflect on the responses. If the reason is money, conduct research and represent a realistic budget-you will be amazed. Financial advisor at this stage can be very useful.

If your reason for simplifying life, ask yourself if you really can live in less space with less storage and less durable choice. Make a test-start simplifying now and see how it feels. Lay the side of things for a garage sale in the spring. taking things in a closet and taking a decision on the issue. Decide what you need and what you can live without.

The reduction must be effective. This does not mean to pass a House of 2,800 square meters to 2,200 square feet. This is just a movement. The reduction will cut 30% of square feet if you really want to have economies of scale. Moving from 2 800 to 1: 500. Better yet, take a trip to IKEA store Atlanta and walked through a model space emulating House 500 square meters and less. Bit extreme, perhaps, but would definitely suffer the ideas flowing.

Find or create a lot of hidden storage in a small space home. After the move, you will end up with other things that You would have thought. Instead of making You find the new home that is less messy, hide the extra "stuff" in the closets, cupboards and chests.

Find or create a personal space of personal life. A very small home can end the sense of isolation and lack of intimacy can be stressful. Personal space can be very small, so it is very comfortable and bright. Find a good example of this when you visit IKEA.

Reduction of personnel is a way of life. I know that once so we thought that we wanted to be acetic and crawl into a cave, while we sell our goods. This happened in the fleeting moments when we feel overwhelmed by all the trappings of life and the obligations that accompany it. But if you think through what you want to, may have the most of it; peace of mind with little cost for small spaces, less worrisome headache of maintenance and cleanup, and the satisfaction of knowing that you can afford to do and that we expand and things that we want to focus the list of things.

Lisa was an aeronautical engineer and a building contractor who lives in Hayesville, North Carolina. Before engineers, Lisa checked homes for buyers, sellers, owners and mortgage companies.

Lisa loves the flyers and aircraft construction. Lisa was the first woman to build and fly experimental aircraft XP 2 press people. He has created 2 aircraft and especially helicopter from 1995 to 2008.